Faculty/Staff Resources


Advisor/Staff Professional development workshop: Demystifying First-Generation College Students Part 1:

Take our Part 1 Training video, demystifying and debunking common myths regarding the First-Generation definition and learn more about our office and the typical challenges First-Generation students face.

The Office of First-Generation Initiatives will lead academic advisors through best practices on advising First-Generation college students. Learn how to navigate and talk through common challenges (financial, emotional, and sense of belonging) that this demographic faces. We will discuss resources that are in place specifically for this population and ways to help them get plugged into such programs/initiatives. Part 2 coming soon.

Faculty professional development workshop: Teaching and supporting first-generation students in high impact practices.

The Office of First-Generation Initiatives is partnering with the Offices of Undergraduate Research, Study Abroad, Service Learning and A&S Career Development to host a conversation with faculty about ways that high-impact practices can be discussed, highlighted, or integrated into their courses and curriculum. Research shows that integrating these activities into classroom activities increases accessibility to many populations of students. Watch Video here.

Please refer to these helpful external resources on how to teach and support First-Generation students: