First-Generation Professionals

We want to welcome all new hires who identify as First-Generation! As former first-generation college students who are now on the other side, we know that this identity follows us for life. The Office of First-Generation Initiatives celebrates not just students but also faculty/staff and their families! Our mission is to provide a supportive and welcoming community that celebrates and honors the first-generation identity. One way we do this is by showing how many are part of our community. Welcome to Mizzou!

Ways to get involved with our mission:

  • Use the First-Gen sign-up form to
    • Identify yourself on the First-Gen Faculty/Staff Directory
    • Request “Proud to be First-Gen”buttons/stickers to show support
    • Subscribe to the FIRST Network Newsletter to stay up to date
    • Have us present to your class or collaborate on an event together. Let’s spread the word!  
  • Be inducted into the Mizzou chapter of Tri-Alpha, a national honor society for first-generation college students (and faculty and staff)
  • Share your first-gen story on social media
  • Table at First-Generation Celebration Week in November
  • Be a First-Gen Champion and advocate: Watch our training video!


You Never Stop being First-Generation

How to find resources for First-Generation Professionals

How does your company support First-Generation Professionals

First-Generation Professionals-What you can do to ensure they succeed

Hiding in Plain Sight-First-Generation Professionals